Exploring Math and Science with Leaves
Hello! We are Cady and Emily from Follow Our Lead, Boston, delighted to be guest posters today on wikebaby.com! We follow our children’s...

Nature Scavenger Hunts for Young Children
If your kids are very young and need a bit of motivation for your hike or if you are new to hiking and worried they will become bored, a...

Nature Photography Activities for Kids and the BEST Gift for Your Favorite 3-6 Year Old
Need a surefire gift with educational potential to please a 3-6 year old? Look no further than the VTech KidiZoom camera! (Opinions are...

Activities for Observing Changes in Nature
Fostering a love for the outdoors starts with building an awareness of nature—and right now is the perfect time to encourage your little...

My Promise: Sharing High Quality Nature Activities
One of the things I can’t wait to do on this blog is offer concrete ideas to use while wiking and exploring the outdoors with your...

Local Safari! Birding with Kids
What if you could watch a lion hunt its antelope prey in your backyard? What if you could experience the search for the big five (lion,...

The One Thing Not to Do this Tick Season
It’s that lush, beautiful time in New England when everyone wants to spend time outside in the sunshine… but if one thing is keeping them...

Teaching our Children that they are PART of Nature, Not Separate From It
Who owns the earth? This is a question for the ages. People fight over invisible property borders all over the world and have done so...